Sunday, November 5, 2023

Hilda and Richie's Sandwich Progress Report November 2023

 Hello, everyone!  I just wanted to give you a status update on the third Hilda & Richie book.

At the time of this writing, there are about 34 pages to the book and I've completed about 4 pages worth of illustrations.  The goal is to finish the interior illustrations by no later than 6PM Central on Sunday, November 26th Thanksgiving weekend.  At the time of this writing, I need to get some more supplies.

Unlike the first two titles, I will be working on bigger paper.  The artwork will be produced traditionally as before with digital enhancement after the art is scanned and uploaded.  However, the art will be drawn on 11 x 14 inch bristol paper instead of the 8.5 x 11 as the last books had.

I have come up with a thumbnail sketch for the cover to the book.

As the giant sandwich is the focus of the book, I made it the focus of this image.  Hilda is on the left, presenting the sandwich to the readers while Richie is eagerly eyeing the sandwich as he wants to eat it!

This is NOT the final cover as it still needs refinement and a color study.  I'll have more news on that as progress develops.

As for the Kickstarter itself, that is another post.  I will share news on that tomorrow.